Short meditations

that make your life at work easier

Online course with 5 audio files - approx. 5-8 minutes each

It is important to sit upright during meditation, whether on a chair or on the floor. If you do not immediately succeed in following the ideas or instructions, keep practising. It still serves its purpose, as it often happens that sensing and visualising only becomes easier with practice. These meditations are designed to enrich your day and give you more peace, clarity and inner strength in just (+/-) five minutes.

Our mind often leads us into tunnel vision when we get stressed. This is good for pursuing your goals, but not always the best solution.

Here are some short meditations that will make your life at work easier. They have an immediate effect that you can feel and by practising them often, they can help you to develop mental strength and creative ways of dealing with obstacles.

Felicitas StarkNr. 1) Atem der Ruhe
Felicitas StarkNr. 2) Mentale Stärke kultivieren
Felicitas StarkNr. 3) Inspiration und Kreativität entzünden
Felicitas StarkNr. 4) Balance wiederfinden
Felicitas StarkNr. 5) Zufriedenheit kultivieren