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Qi Gong Basic
Online Course with 9 Videos
The essence of healing exercises of moving Qi Gong according to Sui Shin Bo from Traditional Chinese Medicine.
An online - course with Ingrid Wendlandt.
Course 1 - Awakening the Qi (QiShiTiaoXi)
This exercise works well against insomnia
This exercise is good to avoid insomnia, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, heart problems and diseases of the internal organs, especially the liver.
Course 2 - Open your chest and be generous (KaiKuo XungHuai)
Tranquillity is supporting strength
This exercise is particularly effective to avoid emphysema and heart disease, shortness of breath, tachycardia, tension in the chest and rib cage area, poor concentration, nervous weakness and depression.
Course 3 - Swinging the rainbow (HuiWuCaiHong)
Feel the energy of healing Qi-Gong
Effective in avoiding tension in the internal organs, especially the liver. Helps also against flatulence, digestive disorders due to strong mental fluctuations, kidney weakness.
Course 4 - Cloud hands (MaBu YunShou)
Qi gong can help you find balance
This complex body movement improves the networking of both hemispheres of the brain and stimulates altered thought patterns, perception and breathing. It is also effective against kidney weakness, digestive disorders and gastrointestinal diseases.
Course 5 - Rowing on the lake (HuXinHuaChuan)
Inner healing can also bring about a better quality of life in the outside
A good exercise for the body in diving into fluent movement and good care also for the lungs and heart. Effective for stomach and intestinal inflammation, nervous weakness and strengthening the kidneys.
Course 6 - Turning body and eyes towards the moon (ZhuanTiWangYue)
Fundamental strengthening of the body and mind
Strengthening of the stomach and spleen, flexibility and shaping of the waist, care of the kidneys. The exercise is effective in avoiding general malaise, aching limbs and lower back pain.
Course 7 - Parting the clouds (LunBiFen Yung)
A true fountain of youth - from the mind into the body
The disharmony between yin/yang is regulated through mindfulness in the legs and conscious relaxation of the shoulders and neck. (The deterioration of life phenomena begins in the legs).
Course 8 - Carrying the ball in front of the shoulder (JianQianTuoQiu)
Muscle elasticity is the most important factor in preventing injuries
The feet root into the earth with the expanding tension, rigid muscles become more elastic. Regulation of the physiological exchange between heart and kidneys, lungs and liver. Positive effects on all internal organs and your mindset.
Course 9 - Filling the Qi into the body (AnZhangPingQi)
Fill yourself with positive energy and give up the dull things you no longer need
Activate the Qi from the earth and the sky, fill yourself with it.